The End of the Chinese Century?: How Xi Jinping Lost the Belt and Road Initiative
By Bertil Lintner
HarperCollins India, October 2024
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The Golden Land Ablaze: Coups, Insurgents and the State in Myanmar
By Bertil Lintner
Hurst, October 2024
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Dalai Lama
By Bertil Lintner
Historiska Media, 2023
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By Bertil Lintner
Historiska Media, 2021
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The Wa of Myanmar and China's Quest for Global Dominance
By Bertil Lintner
University of Washington Press, 2021
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The Costliest Pearl: China's Struggle for India's Ocean
By Bertil Lintner
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd, 2019.
"A detailed and intriguing account of the rising Chinese superpower's Indian Ocean manoeuvres in a budding new cold war among atolls and island states. This is an indispensable reference tool for anyone interested in this region and in the future of our global order." -- Lars Ellström, author of Road to Kashgar: Notes from a Walk through China
"Four-fifths of the container traffic between Asia and the rest of the world, and three-fifths of the world's oil supplies, pass through the Indian Ocean. The new great game takes place here. This book is a comprehensive and enthralling guide to the Ocean's geopolitics, China's designs for the future of the region and the precarious search for balance. Highly recommended." -- Bruno Maçães, author of Belt and Road: A Chinese World Order
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The Costliest Pearl: China's Struggle for India's Ocean
By Bertil Lintner
South Asia Edition - Context, 2019.
The Costliest Pearl: China's Struggle for India's Ocean
By Bertil Lintner
In Chinese. Published by Marco Polo Press, Taiwan, 2022.
China's India War: Collision Course on the Roof of the World
By Bertil Lintner
Oxford University Press, 2018.
- A comprehensive overview of the border dispute between India and China and the 1962 war
- Details the history and contemporary state of the Tibet issue
- Unravels the Chinese connection with insurgency in India's northeast and Maoism in central India
- Discusses the merger of Sikkim and the controversy surrounding it
- Debates the situation of Bhutan vis-á-vis India
- Explores the question of Myanmar and India's 'Look East Policy'
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Great Game East - India, China and the struggle for Asia's most volatile frontier
By Bertil Lintner
ISBN 9780300195675
Since the 1950s, China and India have been locked in a monumental battle for geopolitical supremacy. Chinese interest in the ethnic insurgencies in northeastern India, the still unresolved issue of the McMahon Line, the border established by the British imperial government, and competition for strategic access to the Indian Ocean have given rise to tense gamesmanship, political intrigue, and rivalry between the two Asian giants. Former Far Eastern Economic Review correspondent Bertil Lintner has drawn from his extensive personal interviews with insurgency leaders and civilians in remote tribal areas in northeastern India, newly declassified intelligence reports, and his many years of firsthand experience in Asia to chronicle this ongoing struggle. His history of the “Great Game East” is the first significant account of a regional conflict which has led to open warfare on several occasions, most notably the Sino-India border war of 1962, and will have a major impact on global affairs in the decades ahead. This is a revised and updated edition of the book, which was first published by HarperCollins India in 2012.
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Great Game East - India, China and the struggle for Asia's most volatile frontier
By Bertil Lintner
ISBN 9789350293454
There was the 'Great Game', the complex political machinations of Victorian Britain and Tsarist Russia in the nineteenth century; and there was the 'New Great Game', the conflict between the Western powers and Russia and China over Central Asia's oil and natural resources. But there is another Great Game that's playing out in Asia - one that will significantly impact the course of global politics. Bertil Lintner calls it the 'Great Game East'. On the eastern fringes of the Indian subcontinent, the rivalry between India and China grows ever warmer. The call of the Nehruvian era, Hindi-Chini Bhai-Bhai, was drowned out by the resistance in Tibet and the unrest in India's northeast, and the role the two countries played in these. The rivalry resulted in an on-the-ground battle in 1962, and an undeclared war since. Spies and agents from both countries have been stirring up trouble in the volatile frontier areas all these years. Besides, intelligence agencies of various other countries (the United States, among them) have also been keeping a sharp eye on the developments in the region, particularly India's northeast.
Strategically located at the crossroads of the Indian subcontinent, China and Southeast Asia, the northeastern states of India and the continuing armed strife in that sector hold the key to understanding the true complexity of the hostilities and political ambitions that Asia's two giants harbour. In the Great Game East: India, China and the Struggle for Asia's Most Volatile Frontier, Bertil Lintner - acknowledged as one of the foremost experts on insurgencies in the region - unpacks the layers and layers of complex political intrigues and spy networks that define the Great Game East.
A must-read for anyone who wishes to understand the political future of a continent, or indeed the world.
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WORLD.WIDE.WEB: Chinese Migration in the 21st Century--And How it will Change the World
By Bertil Lintner
2012, 22 x 14 cm, 208 pp., bibliography, index, maps
ISBN 978-974-524-150-3 / US$ 23.00
For centuries past, often driven by political upheaval or famine, Chinese have migrated to southeast Asia and beyond, to far flung corners of the globe. Large old 'Chinatowns' in cities such as London, Toronto, New York and San Francisco attest to these earlier migrations.
Chinese continue to emigrate in large numbers in the 21st century-but this time around circumstances are different. Often encouraged and even facilitated by the Chinese state—officially or otherwise—modern migrants are often well educated and relatively affluent. And China today offers a myriad of opportunities to those who choose to stay. In this wide ranging new study, Lintner researches the locations, motives, perils and successes of modern Chinese migrants, as well as their potential impact on the rest of the globe.
Is the state sponsorship of such migration driven by China's expanding needs for energy, minerals, lumber and fish-or does it include more sinister motives? What is the likely impact of such migration on China's global diplomatic muscle? To what degree are new Chinese immigrants a 'fifth column' in their new homes? What is the role of Chinese 'triad' gangsters in this modern exodus?
All of these and many more issues are addressed in this timely first-hand report. A 'must read' for all China-watchers, or indeed for any who strive to understand the shifting dynamics of world power in the 21st century.
Read a review of World.Wide.Web from The South China Morning Post at Orchid Press.
Read a review of World.Wide.Web from The South China Morning Post at Orchid Press.
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WORLD.WIDE.WEB: Chinese Migration in the 21st Century--And How it will Change the World
(in Korean)
By Bertil Lintner
Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma's Struggle for Democracy
By Bertil Lintner
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Great Leader, Dear Leader: Demystifying North Korea under the Kim Clan
By Bertil Lintner
Great Leader, Dear Leader is an absorbing exposé of North Korea under the Kim clan—Great Leader Kim Il Sung and his son, Dear Leader Kim Jong Il. It traces the origin of the regime's ideology and investigates its attempts to fill its empty state coffers through missile technology sales and other unorthodox schemes. It examines the regime's relations with South Korea, the countrywide famine and the juche ideal, the "military first" policy, and the nuclear weapons program.
One of very few Western journalists to visit North Korea in 2004, author Bertil Lintner demystifies rather than demonizes the least known of the "Axis of Evil" countries by taking us behind the wall of secrecy and the many misperceptions that surround North Korea. He interviews Koreans from both sides of the divided peninsula, as well as ethnic Koreans in Japan and leading Korea experts, to present an intriguing analysis of what has been happening in this shrouded country, and what we might expect in the future. In 2004 Bertil Lintner, a Thailand-based foreign correspondent and author, received an award for excellence in reporting about North Korea from the Society of Publishers in Asia.
Great Leader, Dear Leader is published by Silkworm Books in Chiang Mai and available in all major bookshops in Thailand.
Residents in North America and the United Kingdom, please order from:
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p. 140, line 4 should read: Kim Chi O died from injuries sustained during his arrest and Zin Mo was hanged in 1985. But Kang Min Chul's life was spared because he cooperated with the prosecution.
p. 200, line 30: says "US$16.5 million," should read "US$165 million."
Correction to the Chronology
p. 213, line 16: says "the West Sea (which the Japanese call the Sea of Japan, term much resented in Korea)," should read "the West Sea (which is called the Yellow Sea on most international maps)"
p. 220, line 27: says "May 31-June 3," should read "June 23-26"
Blood Brothers: Crime, Business and Politics in Asia
By Bertil Lintner
"While criminals may live outside the law, they have never been outside society. In Asia, there has always been a symbiosis between law and crime."
All over Asia bankers, gangsters, government officials and intelligence agents interact while organised crime networks threaten the rest of the world. Russian gangsters are active in New York, Miami and California; Chinese gangs run Chinatowns all over the United States and Europe; Vietnamese mobsters have taken over the heroin trade to Australia and the Japanese yakuza not only influence government and business at home, but chase the yen through Southeast Asia and Hawaii to Australia's Gold Coast.
Organised crime is one of the biggest and most complicated issues in the Asia-Pacific today. Both Western and Asian pundits assert that shady deals are an Asian way of life. Some argue that corruption and illicit business ventures - gambling, prostitution, drug trafficking, gun running, oil smuggling - are entrenched parts of the Asian value system. Yet many Asian leaders maintain that their cities are safer than Sydney, Amsterdam, New York and Los Angeles. Bertil Lintner knows this territory well. In Blood Brothers, he takes the reader inside the criminal fraternities of Asia andthe Far East, from Russian gangsters and Japan's yakuza to Taiwan's United Bamboo Gang and the Vietnamese Triad. In examining these networks, Lintner seeks to answer the question: How are civil societies all over the world to be protected from the worst excesses of increasingly globalised mobsters?
This is investigative journalism at its best and most relevant.
Read an extract online
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Can also be ordered online from Allen & Unwin.
Merchants of Madness: The Methamphetamine Explosion in the Golden Triangle
By Bertil Lintner and Michael Black
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Burma - En resa i tiden
By Bertil Lintner and Sven-Olof Einarsson
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Bangkok 10 vandringar och utflykter
By Bertil Lintner
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By Bertil Lintner
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Land of Jade: A Journey from India through Northern Burma to China By Bertil Lintner
Bertil and Hseng Noung Lintner, and their baby daughter, born enroute, spent one and a half years traveling through northern and eastern Burma, from 1985-87. Throughout their account, they describe, with rare and deep insight, the struggle by northern Burma's ethnic groups against brutal Burmese army rule, and record the decline and fall of the Communist Party of Burma. During their incredibly arduous 2,275 kilometre trek, mostly on foot and at times in great danger, they recorded the history of a forgotten 40-year war, an account which otherwise would never have been committed to paper in such rich detail. Land of Jade further provides poignant descriptions of the efforts of simple ethnic tribes-people to forge lives amid the larger struggles of political antagonists, drug lords, foreign interlopers and assorted other opportunists-a situation that remains painfully relevant to many in diverse locations to the present day.
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The Kachin: Lords of Burma's Northern Frontier By Bertil Lintner
Remarkable for their military prowess, their receptivity to Christianity, and their intricate all-embracing kinship networks, the Kachins are a hardy mountain people living in the remote hills of northern Burma and on the peripheries of India and China. In this richly illustrated book, Bertil Lintner describes their history, religion, culture and social system. It was published in 1997 by the now defunct Teak House Books in Chiang Mai, Thailand, but is still available from CPA or AsiaBooks.
In Burmese
Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma's Struggle for Democracy (in Burmese, published in Yangon, 2012)
Outrage: Burma's Struggle for Democracy (in Burmese, published by Lwin Oo Sarpay, Hledan, 2013)
The Rise and Fall of the Communist Party of Burma (in Burmese, published by Lwin Oo Sarpay, Hledan, 2013)
Land of Jade (in Burmese, published by Lwin Oo Sarpay, Hledan, 2014)
Great Game East (in Burmese, published by Yinmyo Sarpay, Rangoon, 2016)
Burma in Revolt (In Burmese published by Roads of Yangon, 2017)
Merchants of Madness (in Burmese, published by Yinmyo Sarpay, Rangoon, 2017)
The Rise and Fall of the Communist Party of Burma (CPB) By Bertil Lintner [Buy from]
Outrage: Burma's Struggle for Democracy By Bertil Lintner [Buy from]
Burma in Revolt: Opium and Insurgency Since 1948 By Bertil Lintner [Buy from]
Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma's Struggle for Democracy By Bertil Lintner (in Korean, published October 2007)
Price: 16,000 Won (about US$15.60)
You save: 10% (if you order online)
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Asianetwork (November 7, 2007)
ISBN-13: 978-89-960239-1-3
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The Golden Triangle (Audiobook) By Bertil Lintner / Narrated by Richard C Hottelet
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Det nya kalla kriget: Kampen om indiska oceanen By Bertil Lintner (in Swedish)
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Thailand: mer än sol och stränder By Bertil Lintner (in Swedish)
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An Atlas of Trafficking in Southeast Asia: The Illegal Trade in Arms, Drugs, People, Counterfeit Goods and Natural Resources in Mainland Southeast Asia
Edited by Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy. With articles by David Capie, Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy, Vanda Felbab-Brown, David Feingold, Bertil Lintner
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Sten Bergman : vår siste store forskningsresande
av Jens Sucksdorff, Henrik Ekman, Lena Haglund, Bertil Lintner
Burmas Historia
Bertil Lintner
Thailand Historia
Bertil Lintner
Rejsen til Jadelandet
(Land of Jade in Danish), Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, Copenhagen, 1989.
Land of Jade in Manipuri (published in Imphal, Manipur, India), part 1 and 2, 2009.
China's India War: Collision Course on the Roof of the World
In Chinese. Published by Marco Polo Press, Taiwan, 2018.
Land of Jade: A Journey from India through Northern Burma to China
In Chinese. Published by Marco Polo Press, Taiwan, 2019