Asia Pacific Media Services Asia Analysed
Asian analysis

Timely, Incisive Asian Analysis

Asia Pacific Media Services provides cutting-edge Asian analysis to regional and international publications. Our in-depth articles and papers cover everything from regional security to local culture and social issues.

As well as articles, Asia Pacific Media Services provides books on the region and undertakes special research projects for think tanks and organisations across the globe.

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Bertil’s latest project


Chao Tzang Yawnghwe was the son of Burma’s first president Sao Shwe Thaik, and a leading theoretician behind the Shan State Army (SSA). Chao Tzang’s story provides an avenue to explore many facets of political movements in Shan State and Burma lacking in existing academic studies. After more than 70 years of civil war, the lack of a sustained pan-ethnic and democratic cooperation is the most important issue facing Burma and it needs a thorough analysis if a solution to the conflicts is to be found. This biography will present the history of those political movements, in Shan State and in Burma as a whole, and the quest for democracy and federalism.



Land of Jade: A Journey from India through Northern Burma to China

Land of Jade: A Journey from India through Northern Burma to China

Bertil and Hseng Noung Lintner, and their baby daughter, born enroute, spent one and a half years traveling through northern and eastern Burma, from 1985-87. Throughout their account, they describe, with rare and deep insight, the struggle by northern Burma's ethnic groups against brutal Burmese army rule, and record the decline and fall of the Communist Party of Burma. During their incredibly arduous 2,275 kilometre trek, mostly on foot and at times in great danger, they recorded the history of a forgotten 40-year war, an account which otherwise would never have been committed to paper in such rich detail. Land of Jade further provides poignant descriptions of the efforts of simple ethnic tribes-people to forge lives amid the larger struggles of political antagonists, drug lords, foreign interlopers and assorted other opportunists-a situation that remains painfully relevant to many in diverse locations to the present day.

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Guide to Investigating Organized Crime in the Golden Triangle

Global Investigative Journalism Network, November, 2022
An in-depth guide by Bertil Lintner to organized crime in the region and how to approach it as an investigative jourmalist.

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Global Investigative Journalism Network

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