Far Eastern Economic Review, July, 2009
Bertil Lintner looks at the Papuan resistance and long simmering conflict in the Indonesian part of New Guinea. [read the article (pdf)]
Jakarta Globe, January 21, 2009
The frosty streets of Tyreso, a suburb of Stockholm, Sweden, are a long way from the steamy jungles of the Papua region. But for Ruben Maury and Daniel Kafiar they have been home for nearly three decades, the base from which they have championed their seemingly Quixotic cause - independence for the western half of New Guinea Island. [read the article at thejakartaglobe.com]
The Irrawaddy, January, 2006
Quiet negotiations have brought peace to the Indonesian province of Aceh, previously riven by a 30-year separatist war. Could the August 2005 peace agreement prove to be a model for other insurgencies in the region? [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, September 13, 2001
Jose Ramos Horta sees independent East Timor as a regional player, bolstered by oil and gas revenues and able to develop relations with Indonesia that preclude the need for excessive troops on their borders. [more]
Irrawaddy, March-April 2001
Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid must race against time to prevent centrifugal forces from pulling his country to pieces. [more]
Jane's Intelligence Review, November 2000
A year on from East Timor's vote for independence from Indonesia, its viability as a nation still seems a long way off. Bertil Lintner examines the guerrilla threats and suggests some options for its future defence. [more]