The Irrawaddy, May 20, 2024
Bertil Lintner reviews Silver Screens and Golden Dreams: A Social History of Burmese Cinema by Jane M. Ferguson, published by University of Hawaii Press [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, January 08, 2024
Bertil Lintner reviews ULFA: The Mirage of Dawn by Rajeev Bhattacharyya published by HaperCollins Publishers India [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, September 15, 2023
Bertil Lintner reviews Risk Taker, Spy Maker: Tales of a CIA Case Officer by Barry M. Broman published by Casemate Publishers [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, June 8, 2023
Bertil Lintner reviews Stalemate: Autonomy And Insurgency On The China-Myanmar Border by Andrew Ong [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, January 5, 2023
Bertil Lintner reviews Beijing's Global Media Offensive: China's Uneven Campaign to Influence Asia and the World by Joshua Kurlantzick [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, December 7, 2021
Bertil Lintner reviews Stories from an Ancient Land: Perspectives on Wa History and Culture, Berghahn, New York and Oxford, 2021 [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, June 14, 2021
Bertil Lintner reviews Until the World Shatters: Truth, Lies and the Looting of Myanmar written by Daniel Coombs [read the article at]
Asia Times, February 05, 2020
Beril Lintner reviews Joseph Allchin's Many Rivers, One Sea: Bangladesh and the Challenge of Islamic Militancy and Life Undercover: Coming of Age in the CIA by Amaryllis Fox [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, November 7, 2017
Bertil Lintner reviews "Lost Warriors: Seagrim and Pagani of Burma, The Last Great Untold Story of WWII" by Philip Davies, published by Atlantic Publishing, Hertfordshire [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, Septemrber 4, 2017
Bertil Lintner reviews "Myanmar's Enemy Within: Buddhist Violence and the Making of a Muslim 'Other'" by Francis Wade, published by Zed Books, London [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, July 28, 2017
Bertil Lintner reviews "Blood and Silk: Power and Conflict in Modern Southeast Asia" by Michael Vatikiotis [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, March 25, 2017
Bertil Lintner reviews "Kingdom's Edge" by Richard Humphries with an introduction by Gerard McDermott [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, January 30, 2017
Bertil Lintner reviews "A Great Place to Have a War: America in Laos and the Birth of a Military CIA" by Joshua Kurlantzick [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, January 26, 2017
Bertil Lintner reviews "Pathway to Peace: An Insider's Account of the Myanmar Peace Process" by Aung Naing Oo [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, December 29, 2016
Bertil Lintner reviews "War and Peace in the Borderlands of Myanmar" edited by Mandy Sadan [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, September 15, 2016
Bertil Lintner reviews "Prisoner of Conscience: My Steps through Insein" by Ma Thida [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, June 28, 2016
Bertil Lintner reviews "General Ne Win: A Political Biography" by Robert H. Taylor [read the article at]
World Politics Review, March 29, 2016
During the final year of his presidency, Barack Obama will become the first-ever sitting U.S. president to visit communist-ruled former foe, Laos. [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, March 24, 2016
Bertil Lintner reviews "The Chinese Heroin Trade: Cross-Border Drug Trafficking in Southeast Asia & Beyond" by Ko-Lin Chin and Sheldon X. Zhang [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, February 17, 2016
Bertil Lintner reviews Rajiv Bhatia's book, "India-Myanmar Relations: Changing Contours", a timely look at evolving relations between Burma and India. [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, June 11, 2015
While this Norwegian publication is mainly a travel book, its political forays demonstrate the kind of naïveté which prevails among Westerners trying to understand what has happened in Myanmar over the past few years. [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, January 19, 2015
Bertil Lintner reviews "Tibet: An Unfinished Story" by Lezlee Brown Halper & Stefan Halper [read the article at]
Asia Times, November 22, 2013
Bertil Lintner reviews The Face of Resistance: Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma's Fight for Freedom by Aung Zaw. Brave New Burma by Nic Dunlop. [read the article at]
Asia Times, September 20, 2013
Bertil Lintner reviews Golden Parasol: A Daughter's Memoir of Burma by Wendy Law-Yone [read the article at]
Asia Times, September 20, 2013
Bertil Lintner reviews two recent books analyzing the Burma's most powerful institution, the military. [read the article at]
Asia Times, May 10, 2013
Bertil Lintenr review two recent books by Rajeev Bhattacharyya and Kishalay Bhattacharjee on the insurgencies in India's Northeast. [read the article at]
Asia Times, October 6, 2012
Bertil Lintner reviews Modern China-Myanmar Relations: Dilemmas of Mutual Dependence by David I Steinberg and Hongwei Fan. [read the article at]
Asia Times, June 23, 2012
Bertil Lintner reviews Facing the Torturer: Inside the Mind of a War Criminal by Francois Bizot. [read the article at]
Asia Times, November 19, 2011
Bertil Lintner reviews The Secret Army: Chiang Kai-shek and the Drug Warlords of the Golden Triangle by Richard M Gibson and Wenhua Chen [read the article at]
Asia Times, August 27, 2011
Bertil Lintner reviews Fergal Keane's Roads of Bones: The Epic Siege of Kohima 1944 [read the article at]
Asia Times, May 21, 2011
Bertil Lintner reviews Rakhee Bhattacharya's Development Disparities in Northeast India [read the article at]
Asia Times, December 4, 2010
Bertil Lintner reviews The Shan of Burma: Memoirs of a Shan Exile by Chao Tzang Yawnghwe [read the article at]
Asia Times, October 16, 2010
Bertil Lintner reviews Sergeant Smack: The Legendary Lives and Times of Ike Atkinson, Kingpin and His Band of Brothers by Ron Chepesiuk [read the article at]
Asia Times, June 26, 2010
Bertil Lintner reviews Benedict Roger's new book, Than Shwe: Unmasking Burma's Tyrant [read the article at]
Far Eastern Economic Review, May, 2009
Bertil Lintner reviews A History of the Shan State by Sai Aung Tun. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, April, 2009
Bertil Lintner reviews two recent histories of modern Burma. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, May, 2008
Bertil Lintner reviews Democracy and National Identity in Thailand by Michael Connors. [more]
Asia Times, February 9, 2008
Bertil Lintner reviews Promoting Human Rights in Burma by Morten B Pedersen. [read the article at]
Far Eastern Economic Review, January, 2008
Bertil Lintner reviews Asia in the Pacific Islands: Replacing the West by Ron Crocombe. [more]
Asia Times, January 12, 2008
Bertil Lintner reviews Reefer Men by Tony Thompson. [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, January 3, 2008
Bertil Lintner reviews Stamps of Burma: A Historical Record Through 1988, by Min Sun Min. [read the article at]
Far Eastern Economic Review, December, 2007
Bertil Lintner reviews Exodus to North Korea: Shadows from Japan's Cold War by Tessa Morris-Suzuki. [more]
Asia Times, December 8, 2007
Bertil Lintner reviews Yakuza Moon: Memoirs of a Gangster's Daughter by Shoko Tendo. [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, December, 2007
Bertil Lintner reviews The United Wa State Party: Narco-Army or Ethnic Nationalist Party? by Tom Kramer. [more]
Asia Times, November 10, 2007
Bertil Lintner reviews Merchant of Death by Douglas Farah and Stephen Braun. [read the article at]
Far Eastern Economic Review, November, 2007
Bertil Lintner reviews Rethinking Thailand's Southern Violence edited by Duncan McCargo. [more]
The Irrawaddy, November 1, 2007
Bertil Lintner reviews Frontier Mosaic by Richard Humphries. [more]
The Irrawaddy, October, 2007
Bertil Lintner reviews Exploring Ethnic Diversity in Burma edited by Mikael Gravers. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, October, 2007
Bertil Lintner reviews Burma and Japan Since 1940: From "Co-Prosperity" to Quiet Dialogue by Donald M. Seekins. [more]
Global Asia, Fall, 2007
The fact that Burma's military remains in power almost 20 years after the violent uprising of 1988 reflects the failure of both ASEAN's softer approach and economic and political pressures from the West. [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, September, 2007
Bertil Lintner reviews Charm Offensive: How China's Soft Power Is Transforming the World, by Joshua Kurlantzick. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, June, 2007
Bertil Lintner reviews Justin Wintle's Perfect Hostage: A Life of Aung San Suu Kyi. [more]
Asia Times, May 11, 2007
Bertil Lintner reviews Militia Redux by Desmond Ball and David Scott Mathieson. [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, May, 2007
Bertil Lintner reviews Burma and Japan Since 1940, by Donald M Seekins. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, April, 2007
Bertil Lintner reviews The River of Lost Footsteps: Histories of Burma by Thant Myint-U. [more]
The Irrawaddy, March, 2007
Bertil Lintner reviews The Shan: Culture, Art and Crafts, by Susan Conway. [more]
The Irrawaddy, February, 2007
Bertil Lintner reviews Seventeenth-century Burma and the Dutch East India Company. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, Jan/Feb, 2007
Bertil Lintner reviews Sung Chull Kim's North Korea under Kim Jong Il: From Consolidation to Systemic Dissonance. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, November, 2006
Bertil Lintner reviews India-Asean Economic Relations: Meeting the Challenges of Globalization edited by Nagesh Kumar, Rahul Sen and Mukul Asher. [more]
The Irrawaddy, September, 2006
Bertil Lintner reviews this compelling tale of one man's search for the commandant of a notorious Khmer Rouge death camp. [more]
The Irrawaddy, August, 2006
Communist party hack or serious historian? The jury's still undecided about a key observer of 20th century Asian dramas [more]
Asia Times, July 29, 2006
Bertil Lintner reviews Vatthana Pholsena's book Post-war Laos: The Politics of Culture, History and Identity [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, July, 2006
Bertil Lintner reviews Burma at the Turn of the 21st Century, an academic study of Burma which though long on humorous anecdotes is short of real political analysis. [more]
Asia Times, June 3, 2006
Bertil Lintner reviews Restless Souls: Rebels, Refugees, Medics and Misfits on the Thai-Burma Border, a book by by Phil Thornton [read the article at]
The Irrawaddy, April, 2006
Bertil Lintner reviews Ethnic Conflicts in Southeast Asia, edited by Kusuma Snitwongse and W Scott Thomson. [more]
The Irrawaddy, March, 2006
Bertil Lintner reviews A Plastic Nation: The Curse of Thainess in Thai-Burmese Relations by Pavin Chachavalpongpun. [more]
The Irrawaddy, February, 2006
Bertil Lintner reviews The Mitrokhin Archive: The KGB in Europe and the West. [more]
The Irrawaddy, January, 2006
Bertil Lintner reviews Mao: The Unknown Story, by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, December, 2005
Bertil Lintner reviews Hiranmay Karlekar's Bangladesh: The New Afghanistan? [more]
The Irrawaddy, November, 2005
Bertil Lintner reviews Trouble in the Triangle: Opium and Conflict in Burma. [more]
The Irrawaddy, October, 2005
Bertil Lintner reviews A History of Thailand by Chris Baker and Pasuk Phongpaichit, a bold new interpretation of Thai history. [more]
The Irrawaddy, August, 2005
Bertil Lintner finds that Ibrahim Syukri's examination of southern Thailand's chequered past couldn't be more timely. [more]
The Irrawaddy, June, 2005
Any book about the question of guilt for the Cambodian genocide, and who should be brought to justice, is bound to cause controversy, and Getting Away With Genocide, by Tom Fawthrop and Helen Jarvis is no exception, writes Bertil Lintner. [more]
The Irrawaddy, May, 2005
Bertil Lintner reviews Very Thai: Everyday Popular Culture and finds that Philip Cornwel-Smith provides some entertaining insights. [more]
The Irrawaddy, April, 2005
Bertil Lintner reviews Edith Mirante's exciting but ugly account of her travels in Burma's border areas. [more]
The Irrawaddy, March, 2005
Bertil Lintner reviews Philip Short's account of Pol Pot and his regime. [more]
Irrawaddy, January, 2005
Bertil Lintner reviews Jon Latimer's account of the Burma Campaign. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, December, 2004
Bertil Lintner reviews two recent book on Burma. [more]
Bangkok Post, July 10, 2004
Bertil Lintner review the memoirs of Malaysian communist leader Chin Peng, an invaluable contribution to understanding how history shaped modern Southeast Asia.
Far Eastern Economic Review, March 18, 2004
Brett Dakin's account of his experience working in Laos adds to the
small pool of such records on the country, writes Bertil Lintner. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, January 29, 2004
Burma's ruling junta has long resisted reform. Mary Callahan's book explains that it will probably keep doing so, writes Bertil Lintner. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, January 22, 2004
Bertil Lintner reviews Ko-lin Chin's Heijin: Organized Crime, Business, and Politics in Taiwan. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, June 26, 2003
Bertil Lintner reviews Evan Gottesman's Cambodia: After the Khmer Rouge. Inside the Politics of Nation Building. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, May 29, 2003
Bertil Lintner reviews two books exposing the corrupt and often vicious underworld of the Japanese Yakuza. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, May 08, 2003
Bertil Lintner reviews The Slaughterhouse: True stories from Bangkok's Klong Toey slum, a collection of stories written by Joe Maier, a Redemptorist priest who has been living and working in Bangkok's most notorious slum for more than 30 years. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, February 20, 2003
Mervyn Brown, deputy to the British ambassador in Laos in the 1960s, seeks, through his recollections of the civil war in Laos, to correct the impression that a diplomat's life is an easy one. A book Review by Bertil Lintner. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, January 16, 2003
Bertil Lintner reviews The War in Burma 1942-45: A Vital contribution to Victory in The Far East, by JulianThompson. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, December 5, 2002
Bertil Lintner reviews Rohan Gunaratna's recent book on Al Qaeda and international terrorism. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, November 21, 2002
Bertil Lintner reviews some of the recent guidebooks and maps of Northern Thailand, and finds plenty of great reading for the avid traveller. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, July 18, 2002
Bertil Lintner reviews 10 Months in Laos: A Vast Web of Intrigue, Missing Millions and Murder, by Paul Conroy. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, June 06, 2002
Bertil Lintner reviews Andrew Marshall's book The Trouser People. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, March 21, 2002
Bertil Lintner reviews Fallen Angels: The Sex Workers of South Asia edited by John Frederick and Thomas L. Kelly. [more]
The Irrawaddy, August 2000
Bertil Lintner reviews The 1998 Uprising in Burma by Dr Maung Maung [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, December 2, 1999
Forty years after the People's Liberation Army crushed a popular uprising in Lhasa, the suppressed history of Tibet is finally being written. Bertil Lintner reviews two recent books on the subject. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, December 4, 1997
Bertil Lintner reviews Ying-hai Shang-lan: The Overall Survey of the Ocean's Shores, by Ma Huan, White Lotus imprint [read the article (pdf)]