Global Investigative Journalism Network, November 28, 2022
In-depth guide to organized crime in the Golden Triangle region and how to approach it as an investigative jopurnalist. [read the article at]
Asia Times, December 01, 2019
Sensational portrayals of a new meth ‘kingpin’ misinterpret the dynamics of Asia’s narcotics trade [read the article at]
Far Eastern Economic Review, November 04, 2004
Traditionally divided by geography and ethnicity, Thailand's northern and southern Muslims are becoming increasingly tightly knit. Thai security officials are worried about the implications.
Far Eastern Economic Review, May 08, 2003
A new museum explores the history of opium in the Golden Triangle and casts a fascinating light on the changing face of this once-infamous area. Bertil Lintner explores. [more]
Far Eastern Economic Review, February 14, 2002
It's one of the most notorious parts of Southeast Asia, but the drug-growing region on the Thai-Burmese border offers some fascinating destinations for the curious traveller. [more]